Інтернет-конференції НУБіП України, Проблеми сучасної енергетики і автоматики в системі природокористування`2018

Розмір шрифту: 
Olga Rechina

Остання редакція: 17-05-2018

Тези доповіді

Olga Rechina, Teaching Assistant

Tavria state agrotechnological university, Melitopol, Ukraine


In order to reduce energy consumption in the greenhouse, a system for predictive management of irradiators was developed.

The automatic control system should provide:

-       high accuracy of the receipt of the agrotechnical daily rate of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) at the level of plant growth;

-       optimal operating conditions for any lighting equipment;

-       synchronization with global positioning systems GLONASS / GPS for automatic determination of geographical coordinates of the greenhouse;

-       real-time system work to adequately calculate the maximum possible daily admission of solar radiation;

-       to keep track of the development phase of the cultivated crop with the automatic detection of PAR daily rate;-       to collect and transmit of data throughout  GSM / GPRS or Ethernet;-       save system settings in case of power failure.Also, among the basic requirements for the functioning of the SAU of irradiation of plants should be reliability, ease of installation and operation, ease of adjustment, safety of operation of a waterproof case; convenient interface, relatively low cost.

The system of automatic plant irradiation control is built on a microcontroller and consists of the following units: real-time accounting devices, non-volatile memory, power supplies, light signaling, digital indication, data entry, information reservation system, plant irradiation sensors, GPS tracker, communication port and power output unit. Data exchange between devices is organized through a serial peripheral three-wire SPI interface.

Automatic control system for greenhouse lighting fixtures will save 10-15% of electricity.



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