Інтернет-конференції НУБіП України, Проблеми сучасної енергетики і автоматики в системі природокористування`2018

Розмір шрифту: 
Preparing and Publishing Manuscripts in IEEE Journals: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Juri Jatskevich

Остання редакція: 25-04-2018

Тези доповіді

This tutorial presentation aims at helping the attendees of the VII Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції присвяченої 120-річчю НУБіП України interested in publishing their research articles in journals indexed by Scopus, such as IEEE journals, and to become more successful authors. The current Editor-In-Chief (EIC) of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion will present this tutorial and discuss the most competitive and prestigious journals in the area of Energy and Power Engineering indexed by Scopus, and the role of publications in the international scientific community. To help prospective authors select the most appropriate venue for publishing their work, the scope and emphasis of journals in IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) will be briefly discussed. The EIC will further discuss a typical review process from initial submission to actual publication, and explain the criteria and considerations behind the forms and questions used in the review process. The EIC will also share best practices and common mistakes from his experience of working with authors as well as reviewers, and discuss frequently asked questions, such as the relationship to conference publications, the importance of experimental validation, and potential causes for plagiarism.

Для перегляду доповідей необхідний обліковий запис на цьому веб-сайті. Натисніть сюди щоб створити обліковий запис.