Track Policies

E-environment and cyber space

  • Сreation the university's e-environment
  • Use of e-environment in the educational process
  • E-environment quality assessment
  • Association of e-environments of universities in cyberspace
  • Cyberspace as a specialist formation environment

  • Максим Володимирович Мокрієв, Факультет інформаційних технологій
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Design and use of e-learning resources and services in universities

  • Teachers' competencies in the development and use of e-learning resources and services
  • Method of using e-resources and services in the educational process
  • Educational styles of students
  • Multimedia resources
  • MOOCs - design and use methodology
  • Design and use of educational videos

  • Андрій Миколайович Гуржій, академік Національної академії педагогічних наук України
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E-learning technologies

  • Pedagogical Technologies: Constructivism vs Conjectivism
  • Teaching Methods: Inquiry-based learning, Project-based learning, Blended Learning, Competency-based learning
  • Balance between Theory and Practice in Curriculum Design
  • Quality Assurance of E-learning
  • E-learning as a tool for the development of student's key competences
  • Teachers' skills in the area of ICT and e-learning
  • Modeling Systems in E-learning

  • Олена Геронтіївна Кузьмінська, Факультет інформаційних технологій
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Communication and collaboration with the business environment

  • Dual Education
  • Organization of Production and Teaching Practices of Students
  • Practical Training
  • Innovative Learning
  • Kraudfandings
  • Startups
  • Business Incubators

  • Олена Григорівна Глазунова, Факультет інформаційних технологій
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STEM-education and Internet things in enviromental universities

  • STEM in education and science and technology
  • Computer support for science education
  • Internet of Things in the Environmental Sciences
  • Internet security devices things
  • Trends in the development of smart-city
  • STEM toys from the field of engineering and design
  • Use of case studies in the process of implementing STEM-education
  • Technophile and technophobia
  • The education of a creative person, the development of creative thinking and hidden abilities

  • Дмитро Касаткін, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористуваня України, факультет інформаційних технологій, кафедра комп’ютерних систем і мереж
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