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Анастасія Володимирівна Кириченко

Last modified: 25-05-2021


Abstract. The article examines aspects of e-commerce development as a component of the world and national economies. The influence of СOVID-19 on the development of e-commerce in Ukraine and the world is analyzed. Prospects for the development of Ukrainian e-commerce under the influence of COVID-19 are assessed.

Keywords: e-commerce; електронна комерція; СOVID-19.


INTRODUCTION. Entrepreneurship in the field of e-commerce is an innovative form of business organization, which is becoming increasingly important and popular in COVID-19 due to the significant potential and capabilities of the Internet: using the Internet, there is the potential to gain much more customers than in a real store. and the use of the Internet saves time for the customer and saves resources for owners and managers of e-commerce businesses.

Formulation of the problem. The development of the world economy is inextricably linked with the digitalization of economic processes. One of the most dynamic and new markets is the e-commerce market. In Ukraine, e-commerce is in a phase of rapid growth, a significant factor in this is COVID-19. The dynamic development of e-commerce in the world and in Ukraine highlights the need to study trends in this area.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The following scientists made a significant contribution to the study of e-commerce: VV Lakiza, RD Bala [1], VS Simakov [2], IV Khovrak [3] and others.

The purpose of the publication is to identify current trends in the functioning of world and Ukrainian e-commerce under the influence of COVID-19.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS. The first e-commerce systems were created in the 60's of XX century. in the USA in order to service ticket orders in transport companies, as well as to coordinate the activities of various services in the process of flight preparation [3, p. 16]. Global digitalization in recent years has led to the active development of e-commerce, which has intensified under the influence of COVID-19. As access to and implementation of the Internet around the world grows rapidly, the number of digital technology buyers is growing significantly each year. Thus, in 2019, 1.92 billion people bought goods or services on the Internet, and in 2019, the volume of electronic retail sales worldwide exceeded 3.5 trillion. dollars US, and e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 6.54 trillion. dollars The United States in 2022. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of e-commerce in the world, and actual sales on the Internet have reached a level that was not expected by 2022 [1].

The dynamics of retail sales of e-commerce by region of the world as of 2019 is presented in Fig.1.





Figure 1. Dynamics of the share of retail sales of e-commerce by region in 2019,%

Source: built by the author for [1].


In developing countries, the growth of e-commerce is more intense than in developed countries. This is due to the fact that the growth of the number of consumers is faster, as well as the fact that the economy as a whole is developing faster than in developed countries.

As for Ukraine, e-commerce is under active development. The dynamics of e-commerce development in general is consistent, and to some extent even more pronounced than the dynamics of global market leaders. The activity of e-commerce enterprises of Ukraine during the last five years has provided a significant dynamics of growth of online commerce in the country (Fig. 2) [2, p.8].




Figure 2. Dynamics of online shopping in Ukraine in 2013-2019,%

Source: built by the author for [2].


In 2020, under the influence of COVID-19, the total amount of physical goods and services purchased by Ukrainians on the Internet reached 107 billion UAH, which is 41% more than in 2019. The number of online payments increased by at least 50%. According to the EVO forecast, the growth of e-commerce in Ukraine in 2020 should have reached 15%, but the pandemic significantly adjusted it [4].

CONCLUSIONS AND PROSPECTS OF FURTHER RESEARCH. According to forecasts, in 2021 the growth rate of e-commerce will be partially maintained and e-commerce will grow by another third. This will be facilitated by: the emergence of secure online payment methods on marketplaces; cheaper delivery; speed and growth of quality of service by sellers; the pandemic has pushed traditionally offline niches online, including medicines and food. Demand for delivery from shops and restaurants has increased several times. Even after a pandemic, it is unlikely that buyers will give up these amenities.



1. Lakiza V. V., Bala R. D. Osoblyvosti zastosuvannya elektronnoyi torhivli sub”yektamy hospodaryuvannya v umovakh mizhnarodnoyi ekonomichnoyi diyal’nosti. Efektyvna ekonomika. 2020. № 11. – URL:

2. Symakov V. S. Innovatsiyni pidkhody do upravlinnya pidpryyemstvamy elektronnoyi komertsiyi v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi :  avtoref.  dys.  …  kand.  ek.  nauk  : 08.00.04. Kyyiv, 2021. 20 s.

3. Khovrak I. V. Elektronna komertsiya v Ukrayini: perevahy ta nedoliky. Ekonomika. Finansy. Pravo. 2013. № 4. S. 16-20.

4. Pidsumky rynku elektronnoyi komertsiyi v Ukrayini po danym EVO: 107 mlrd hrn na pokupky v interneti : [sayt].  URL:



e-commerce; електронна комерція; СOVID-19.